Monday, October 10, 2011

♥Keeping it simple tonight...sharing the love♥



  1. Beautiful message hun... but now it's Tuesday.. time to KICK IGORA IN THE BUTT...heck, throw her out of the house and lock the door... GET YOUR THINKING CAP ON..

    Today is the best day to get outside and DO something. Just 'something'. Reach forward, and reach inward. YOU make a difference, now get out there and PROVE it!!!

    Love you ooodles... and I'm here to catch you if you fall, so take a leap darlin'.. close your eyes and surge forward. It's going to be a GOOD day!! (and I'm sure we'll hear all about it in todays' blog!)


  2. Yes!!!!! Kicking Igora to the curb...damn...wish it were garbage pick-up day, as she'd really be on her way then! ;) ha! Yes...needed that swift kick in the butt to get me going again! I am so thankful for you and your wisdom...and for so many near and dear to me in my heart! I don't know what I'd do with out my are indeed my family in my heart! I am so very grateful! I am loved...and YOU are too! I'm not quite doing cartwheels...but I'm on my way! Let's DO this!!! ;) Love you muchly! <3 xoxo
