Wednesday, November 2, 2011

♥Flapping~Resting Our Wings~And Flapping Again♥

Just a little note this evening to wish you a delightful rest of your week and to let you know....your weekend of fun and relaxation IS on the way to you soon!  Tomorrow actually begins my new week at work, so I'm gearing up for a day of making people smile their lovely smiles!
 And now to today's topic.... 
Resting Her Wings~*image by JessicaLove♥
I am, like many of you---in the midst of great and mighty changes and transformations in my life.  I remind you (*and as I'm reminding you, I am reminding myself) to be gentle with yourselves, as changing, growing, renewing and emerging in flight takes time. Yes, precious souls, patience *(whether you enjoy it or not) is going to be a constant companion...better to make friends with her now and allow her to settle into your heart-space.  It will make things easier on the rough days....the low days...the days where you can't seem to get an inch off the ground and grab any air at all. 

Sometimes we don't fly on the first, second, or even hundredth flap of our wings.  I must remind myself of this as well...I so whole-heartedly believe the glorious and grand flight will take place, I just wish I knew how long it was going to take! My wings are getting.....tired!  I'm sure yours are as well.  Let us come together and rest our wings on each others shoulders once in a makes that next attempt ever so much more enjoyable and...perhaps on that next flap of our wings, we shall take flight and soar!
Be Bold, Be Wise, Be YOU and keep flapping those flight♥ JessicaLove♥

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