Friday, October 28, 2011

♥Listening to my own drum♥

Happy Friday/Saturday depending on where you are and when you're reading this...
anywho, Happy Weekend!
Just a quick little hello message prior to me saying goodnight to this beautiful day and gearing up for a new beginning (there's always another one!) ;) tomorrow.   I'm thrilled to share this evening that Mother Nature and the Universe presented me with a couple beautiful gifts today!  .....What did YOU see today? 
A Reminder of Love~Image by JessicaLove♥ 
Gift number two was a two-part visit from a beautiful Woodpecker!  The photos are not great...but I'm glad I managed to get proof of his/her beautiful existence!
*Image by JessicaLove♥
*Image by JessicaLove♥   
Here's a little insight about the Woodpecker as an Animal Spirit Totem/Guide can check it out at the link!  What an delightful website!
"Teaches us how to connect with the earth and how to ground ourselves in nature, shows us Rhythm, fertility, earth's heartbeat, increase of mental/physical activities, beat of life. Aids in our ability to find deeper meanings and hidden qualities of patterns and coincidences. Are you drumming and creating your own beat? Woodpecker will show you to accomplish this safely by awakening new mental faculties. He teaches to balance the spiritual and mental aspects with the physical world for harmony. Woodpecker shows tenacity, patience and straightforward actions to accomplish this. Listen carefully."

I love how the Woodpecker asks if we are drumming and creating our own beat! ....On that note, I'd also love to share an inspirational drummer/musician with you by the name of Davide Swarup! He is absolutely incredible...please do check out his website at the link above! Here's a little gem from his YouTube channel!
  Ok lovelies♥  It's late and I need some rest....I bid you adieu and I'll see you tomorrow!

Listening to my soul and my heart....thump, thump, thump, JessicaLove♥

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