Sunday, October 16, 2011

I AM....WE all ARE LOVE♥

....soaking in the warmth, the depth, the crispness of the beautiful autumn colors here in Colorado!  Of course, nothing compares to the brilliance of the colors that paint the canvas of the Midwestern Wisconsin autumns of my youth.  They will forever be etched within my heart and memory! 
Love within the Colors *Image by JessicaLove
 The changing of seasons always signifies to me another beautiful beginning and a period of growth and expansion in our lives and in our hearts.  We are in the midst of great, beautiful and amazing change right at this moment...I for one want to be an agent of change for the positive and a force of good in our world!  The time is NOW...and it's never been more clear what we are here's LOVE. So shine YOUR incredible light, lovelies! Shine ON!   Ps...did you see the hearts in my photo today?  See, love really IS all around! We must open our eyes and SEE! 
Standing up within this beautiful MOVEMENT of LOVE! xo JessicaLove


  1. Hearts! Everywhere!! So seriously good to connect with you. Sending love and light your way. Many blessings, H xo

  2. :-) Yes! They are...and isn't it a wonderful gift! YOU, my dear are a beautiful gift too! I am so thrilled to have connected with you! Love, light and wishes for a gorgeous day to you too! Thank you!!! xo
