Saturday, October 1, 2011

Launch Day Party! ♥ I AM living my I AM! ♥

Welcome to the Launch Day Party for my Circle of Love Artography blog and the home of my new project!  Please make yourself at home, grab some wine/cheese/crackers or some cookies and *rice, almond, hazelnut or hemp* milk and let’s get this party started, shall we?!  ;o) Ps…the bar is open if you desire another beverage of choice.  The comfy chairs and couches are just for you….and the dance floor is ready for movin’ and groovin’!  The lights are flashin' and I’ve got the music spinnin’!  I'm ready to dance! Are you?  ~Dancing shoes on....let's do this!
I AM ecstatic to be here!  ~  I stand before you in JOY and with my heart wide open! My knees are a-knockin’ with the slightest bit of hesitation and fear, but with an inner knowing that in life, great things come to those who go out after them, not those living safely in a bubble sheltering themselves from the outside world!  It is time to stand up upon my wobbly feet and steady myself so that I may learn to walk and run... on my way to learning how to fly and soar within my truth.  I am learning and remembering and KNOW that love really IS all around us...I love this version, especially for our dance party, though the original version for the theme of the Mary Tyler Moore Show is my favorite...that shall perhaps be shared at a later date! :)

I welcome you today to The I AM living my I AM Project!  I’ve had so many conversations with dear friends lately about BEing and our growth processes and progress as we travel upon our life paths.  I have not figured it all out and I don’t expect to, but I know that I and each one of us are here upon this earth at this specific time for a reason and a great purpose.  The I AM living my I AM Project is born of many ideas floating, zipping and zooming around in my head and heart.  I must thank the wise souls who have inspired me the most and who hold such faith in give me wings, thank you!…you know who you are!  I have been gently reminded lately that the simple words I AM are indeed very complex and hold so much power! They can greatly impact everything in our daily lives…how we feel, what we truly believe, what we want to happen and how things come into being and WHO we are.  I AM equals all encompassing knowledge and the two polar opposites: LOVE and FEAR and of course everything in between.  The Universe *(Spirit, God, Goddess, Divine and the Angels…whatever you personally believe…and even our own inner knowing and awareness) can HEAR us on some level.  The words we say/think/feel and put out there ultimately do make a big impact on our lives! 

Through the coming days, weeks and months I shall be learning to be more consciously aware of what I'm putting out there and how I am living my "I AM"!  I intend to keep this blog and my life as positive as possible, as that is how I try to live my life.  However I know that the dips and speed-bumps and valleys are yet another part of our existence, and a rich part of our learning and growing experiences and processes. I look forward to sharing pieces of myself with you through my personal musings and journeys through my own art/photography/writing...and of course random things that I love! 

I intend this place to be a sacred and safe space for all of us, where we can all learn and re-learn to be our authentic, delicious and beautiful selves!  I welcome your feedback and look forward to this becoming a round-table of discussion and conversation between us all!  As we dance here within the Circle of Love...we learn to LIVE OUT LOUD again and I am eager to see how this all evolves and unwraps! 

In joyous gratitude, a reminder to myself that I AM living my I AM... & you can too! ♥ Cheers, Jessica Love 


  1. Woo Hoo! Thank you for inviting me to the party of Your Life!! I look forward to reading about your ventures and seeing more of your art. I Love You and am honored to be taking this journey with you my Friend!!

  2. Zan, I am clinking glasses with you across the miles...and you know you are always in my heart! Thank you hon...and yes YOU always have an open invitation to the party of my life! You make it so much fun! Woohooo! I love you muchly, my dear friend! ♥ xo

  3. Love IS all around ... Mary said it right.

    Your time is set Jess.. it will happen when you are ready. Only your higher power knows 'when'... the journey you are on now is there to prepare you for the grand finale.
    I'm here.. I'm always here - you know it. :)

    You go girl... smile and give fear a run for it's money. You'll win. <3

  4. Andrea, thank you for your heart-felt, encouraging are another sister that I hold dear to my heart! So thankful for you in my life! I too am always here for you...even though we are so many miles away!

    Yep, fear loses and we all WIN ;)♥ Woohoo! It's on!

  5. I have my glass of wine and I'm cheering and hollering for you!! So proud of you, girl!! Let that light shine on and illuminate every shadowed place in your life. You are a powerhouse, go girl, go!! <3

  6. Meesh! :0) Thank you darling! You touch my heart every time I think of you...your words move me! Cheers and big, grateful thanks to you too! May we soon be able to actually clink those glasses and celebrate all the new joys in both of our lives together soon, my friend! ♥

  7. Jessica
    You have done an amazing, wonderful job!! I am so happy our life paths have crossed. You bring so much power in the "I AM" intention and you are are doing a beautiful job by exposing the power of words to others. Love light and GREATNESS are yours!! Angel Blessings!!

  8. Angelgreeter,

    Thank you so much! I too am happy that you've entered into my life! What a blessing you are! You are another who reminds me what I AM here to do...I hold such a large space of gratitude in my heart for you! You are a gift! Big love-light blessings to you! ♥
