Tuesday, October 25, 2011

☃Flying Frozen Lovely Tears ☃ from the Heavens☃

The sky is crying beautiful, frozen tears tonight...they are lovely and beautiful, and I am deeply moved.  I must admit I wasn't so keen on seeing snowflakes this early, however I have decided to embrace it fully and celebrate the first dancing snowflakes of the season! I am LOVING the snow...and apparently from this photo~it's LOVING me right back!  *(Love that the bright colors of fall shimmer through here...and when that heart-shaped snow-love-comet showed up, it blew my mind!)
Snow-Love-Comet~image by JessicaLove♥
I had a lot fun playing with light & shadows...art appears from Mother Nature!
Snow in Shooting-Star Mode~image by JessicaLove♥
And the magic of the night streaks across the sky....
Light Streaked Snowflakes~image by JessicaLove♥
Cosmic Snow Light-Show~image by JessicaLove♥
It's almost time for the goodbye and goodnight music, but I wanted to share a couple more fun images with you lovely folks! 
Orbs & Love Comets & Snowy Energy..Oh My!~image by JessicaLove♥
Love~Light Show~image by JessicaLove♥
And a little mood-music as we usher in the winter-ish season ☺
Dancing in snowy delight and wonderment~from my heart to yours, all the love in the world, JessicaLove♥


  1. You've made me happy Jess... and I'm happy for YOU!! Love you girlie!! {{{hugs}}} xox

  2. ((((Andrea)))) YOU (and your amazing friendship and love make me a very happy girl! Thank you, hon! Sending lots of hugs and positive energy YOUR way! xoxo
