Running back into my blog-space with wildly flapping (getting ready to fly perhaps?) arms, to give you all gigantic hugs and sending massive amounts of love, light and good energy to YOU!
I knew I just HAD to zip in here on this beautiful (multiple ♥11♥ day) as it is
I AM reminded with this image I snapped a couple days ago...that LOVE and the keys to love are indeed all FACT...
WE ARE the KEYS to LOVE! How awesome-tastic is that? ☺
I adore YOU, my beautiful friends/family *("framily")!
YOU are indeed my Earth-Angels and I AM forever grateful to have you in my life!
A lucky little reminder of love from the Universe today~I saw this on a billboard on the way home this evening! Cropped and switched up the colors a bit and now I share this beautiful gifted message to you!
Helloooo loves! It has been one of those delightful, incredibly amazing days...those days where you just breathe a happy little sigh in....and breathe out the love for humanity...effortlessly! I do so hope that YOU had one of those kinds of days today too, dear one!
Love Rocks ;) ~*image by JessicaLove♥
I am so full of gratitude today...for simple joys.
My heart is smiling for new life/celebrations and new friendships!
Today has been Delight-FULL/Joy-FULL and with that...I wish YOU sweet days and sweet dreams...always and ALL-WAYS♥
Divine BEings of Light and L♥ove, I wish you a joyous beginning to your new week!
A Circle of Love-Heart~*image by JessicaLove♥
May the LOVE-ENERGY continue to flow through/within and around you!
And remember to keep your eyes open to the beautiful signs/signals and little love nudges the Universe sends to YOU in each and every delicious moment!
Leaf Love~*image by JessicaLove♥
I hope this week brings you OODLES of feel-good vibes, and that your heart is doing cartwheels because of the JOY you feel within your soul!
Cartwheel Clouds~*image by JessicaLove♥
I wish you goodnight and sweet dreams...or good day and sweet day~dreams!❀
Growing Through Sunshine & Shadows~*image by JessicaLove♥
I think tonight, it's time for a big group hug....and then some quiet reflection. I want you all to know that no matter what is going on in your life right now, whatever type of metaphorical weather you find yourself engulfed within right now....breathe it in, feel it, REALLY FEEL IT, experience it...thank it for teaching you the lessons you are meant to learn, keep growing. Know that you are safe and protected from the storms (whenever they may arise) and that it is through the shadows that our inner glimmering light grows and expands to lead us even more fully back to our true selves and our purpose on this planet.
Happy morning/Happy evening bright shiny L♥veSTARS! I am sending you sparkly, glitter-filled love-hugs! It's not quite 11♥11♥11 here for me Mountain Time in the USA just yet, but it shall be very soon!
For some of you already IS!
Happy 11♥11♥11 to YOU!
*(Instant Karma by John Lennon♥)
Can you FEEL the joyous energy? The moon is full....and so is my heart! My heart is expanding so much, the vibrations are joyous and incredible and I want you to know that I AM wrapping my arms around all of you dear sweet souls all over the world in a gigantic heart-hug right now! Feel that hug, Feel that LOVE, BE in this moment, and the next and the next. Please know and remember, my shining STARS--that your inner wisdom/peace/love/light/joy is encompassing the whole Universe and that we are now entering the LOVE-PORTAL and PEACE-PORTAL! So it shall BE and SO IT IS! The power of love is breathing within our hearts, our very essence and BEing and we will continue to bring about great peace to the world! What an exciting time to be alive and in these human bodily forms. I AM standing together joining hands with all of you in this glorious
Welcome to wonderful *Wooohooo Wednesday!* I have decided to dedicate every Wednesday's post *(and other days when the mood strikes me) to celebrating YOU or YOU or YOU! There are so many talented, amazingly beautiful, creative, caring, brilliant folks out there that I have connected with (or hope to connect with someday) via the weird, wild and wonderful world of Facebookland/Twitterverse/StumbleUponworld and the amazing spirals of the "InterWEBS" ;) and I can't contain my excitement and enthusiasm any longer! I just might burst! I just have to break out the bubbly champagne, chill the wine, throw some confetti in the air and share, celebrate, spotlight and feature someone awesome here each week! Wooohooo! Here we go!
Cheers to YOU!♥
It brings me great joy to start off this first wondrous Wednesday tradition by sharing a magnificent and glorious light-filled soul named ✩Kimberley Jones✩ with you! *(You can connect with her via her website by clicking there on her name!) I consider myself truly blessed to have connected with Kimberley a few years ago via her Twitter page and have since had the opportunity to get to know her on a personal level. My eyes and heart have been opened in such incredible ways...she is truly a dear siSTAR who has committed herself and her life to being a true healer, light-show-er, light-bringer, light-sharer and has taught me that shining my own inner light and BEing ME is OK and healthy and that together we can all bring peace to each other and this world...
The video above is from Kimberley's YouTube Channel and explains how we can all share the vibration of peace together, by simply and consciously breathing in and breathing out PEACE! ☮
My heart bows in great gratitude to you, Kimberley ....for sharing your brilliant heart, all-embracing kindness, your lessons, your struggles...all of your gorgeous and unique YOU-ness, all of which have empowered you from within to shine your beautiful light in a world so in need of love and peace and real, genuine ONE-ness. Your essence and BEing inspires me to keep becoming more and more of myself each and every moment of every day... and to share the gifts I hold inside of myself with the world here in the NOW and in the future.
If you'd like more information about how to get involved more fully into the beautiful energies and vibrations of 11-11-11, Kimberley's Wordpress Blog has some amazing suggestions/ideas/videos and other ways to connect! Also, I always have a link to her awesome E-Wakening Academy on the right-hand side of my blog-page here (do you see the heart?) ...if you are moved to do so, please do check it out! I cannot emphasize enough just how much her wonderful Grounded and Calm guided meditation has helped center me in the last few months...what a beautiful may wish to give to yourself and others you care about!
Please join me in clinking glasses as we toast and cheers to Kimberley! ♥
Waving~and sending hugs to you all from the Love-Portal, JessicaLove♥ xo
Helloooo lovelies! I missed you on my "night off" from the blog....I'm a bit under the weather, but peaking my head out from beneath the covers to wave and write hello! ✍ Perhaps this little ramble of mine will help you, as it's helping me.
MmmmmHmmmmm, breathing in and breathing out....that is what I'm doing now to center and focus and re-focus on the fact that I AM!
Yes, ♥I AM, I AM, I AM!♥
Ripples of Positive Change~*image by JessicaLove♥
A bundle of emotions and thoughts and activities....peace and fear~joy and sadness~laughter and tears~and more, more, more ~ it is all part of my
Today has been filled with lots of rest at least to those looking from the outside in~but it has also been productive and full of ideas and research and keys to the treasures my future holds. I look forward to that day very soon where I can again re-enact that famous Mary Tyler Moore move..where she throws her hat up in the air...where she's made it after all! The winds of change and growth and opportunity are blowing in my direction....and as soon as they stop swirling and twirling it shall all make perfect sense!
I know I WILL make it after all....I make the proclamation now, that health shall be mine and that the perfect-for-me job opportunity and perfect-for-me apartment shall find their way into my life very shortly!
Woohoo, can't wait! It shall be grand!
Until then, I shall continue to be divinely grateful for the opportunities that I am blessed to have in my life in these beautiful moments I call my life right now.
Love IS....around and WITHIN us♥ Love YOU, JessicaLove♥
I'm reminded today of one of my favorite films Breakfast at Tiffany's, which features one of my favorite songs Moon River by Andy Williams.
Tonight I'd like to take a moment to send healing wishes and healthy, positive energy out to Andy Williams as he acknowledged today he is dealing with a serious health issue.
Sending love and kisses up to the heavens to Audrey ♥ as well....and I must include her beautiful version from the film here too!
Good evening lovelies♥ Just a tiny little post tonight to tell you that I love you and ....bringing you *(or most of you) your public service announcement for this evening to change your clocks and fall back an hour! haha!
Thank you David Bowie for your beautiful song, Changes!
This tired girl is heading to sleep early after a looooong day! Hugs, JessicaLove♥
Happy Friday lovely souls! :) If you're about to swim on into your weekend, I hope that it is JOY-FULL and relaxing for you~and if you're like me perhaps you're swimming on into your work-filled next few days!
Swimming Among the Stars~*image by JessicaLove♥
I hope these upcoming days are productive for you and also filled with joy! I'm so grateful to be among the employed again....moving forward toward my goals and planning out my next steps upon my journey! None of it is easy, but I just KNOW that it shall all be so worth it!
Whatever you're doing right now and wherever you are along your own winding path, just remind yourself that YOU are magnificent...never give are EXACTLY where you are meant to be at this very moment...and remember, as Dory sang in Finding Nemo..."Just Keep Swimming!"
Ever notice that fins and flippers are like wings? ☺ Keep swimming Angels, JessicaLove♥
Good evening/Good morning gorgeous light-souls!♥ No matter where you are in this beautiful world, I hope you're breathing in the pure LOVE-ENERGY that surrounds you at this very moment! Mmmm, delicious! Remember to breathe in the love-energy and breathe-out the love ALREADY fills your very core and BEing and you share it with the world in every breath! It gently ripples out in glorious waves to all around you, moving from person to person, commUNITY to commUNITY, country to country and out across the entire world! *....And just remember, if you catch yourself in a moment where you're unable to "breathe"...because somehow the fear has tip-toed in....slow-down and KNOW that you are greater than the fear and that LOVE (which YOU are) is greater than the fear. Love wins....every single time!
Just a little note this evening to wish you a delightful rest of your week and to let you know....your weekend of fun and relaxation IS on the way to you soon! Tomorrow actually begins my new week at work, so I'm gearing up for a day of making people smile their lovely smiles!
And now to today's topic....
Resting Her Wings~*image by JessicaLove♥
I am, like many of you---in the midst of great and mighty changes and transformations in my life. I remind you (*and as I'm reminding you, I am reminding myself) to be gentle with yourselves, as changing, growing, renewing and emerging in flight takes time. Yes, precious souls, patience *(whether you enjoy it or not) is going to be a constant companion...better to make friends with her now and allow her to settle into your heart-space. It will make things easier on the rough days....the low days...the days where you can't seem to get an inch off the ground and grab any air at all.
Sometimes we don't fly on the first, second, or even hundredth flap of our wings. I must remind myself of this as well...I so whole-heartedly believe the glorious and grand flight will take place, I just wish I knew how long it was going to take! My wings are getting.....tired! I'm sure yours are as well. Let us come together and rest our wings on each others shoulders once in a makes that next attempt ever so much more enjoyable and...perhaps on that next flap of our wings, we shall take flight and soar!
Be Bold, Be Wise, Be YOU and keep flapping those flight♥ JessicaLove♥
Dearest lovely light-beams of glorious energy~I SEE YOU~I see the hope and the love and the peace that you spread across the world! Always remember that YOU, yes YOU are making a huge difference in this world and in the lives of those your kindness touches on a daily basis!
I have been and continue to be touched by such amazing and beautiful kindness on my journey, it makes my heart sing and weep at that same time. I do so hope that I can (and in some small way am) offer(ing) that same kindness in return....for right now, my heart sings in deep gratitude to the people in my life who have literally saved my life and continue to hold me up when I feel broken and defeated and small....and remind me that I can take that next step, even if I need a hand to hold.
Our moment is here loves, and the time is now to embrace each other, our dear Mother Earth and our own selves to bring about the healing we so desire. So many of us are opening up our hearts, which also means feeling the deep pain that goes along with being (and feeling like we've cracked ourselves) wide open....but the fabulous thing about that is that we also FEEL all the waves of love that are coursing through our bodies and the Universe around us! In the end...which is (I feel) just the beginning.....LOVE is all that matters and all that exists.
*A beautiful song tonight called "Hidden Away" by Josh Groban*
Embracing YOU tonight--with my heart wide-open, ♥JessicaLove♥
Just a little Halloween Dance Party this I'm reminiscing through the winding roads of my memory and the sounds of my favorite Halloween songs! ☺ Perhaps these will take you back too!
In my heart, the all-time most excellent song has to go to Michael I begin toasting to MJ!
Next up: The super-fun Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett~are you guys and gals dancing yet?
Oh what fun! And now, what Halloween would be complete without Time Warp from the
Rocky Horror Picture Show!?!
Even though there are a ton more...I think I'll close out the show tonight with one of the intros to
♥The Universe is whispering "I Love You" in your ear at every moment of every day...make sure you listen ♥
I wrote this line months ago and have used it as a mantra of sorts to stay on a positive track...I am thrilled this evening to share with you a beautiful video message from The Universe ♥ via Gisele Frederich! I just HAD to share her magnificence with you! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!
Ooooh, the fever! ;o) I hope you're all having a FAButastic's Saturday night/early Sunday morning~
Are YOU dancing?
Oh goodness...I was just a young tot when this movie and these songs were on top of the charts...but I ADORE them and think they are timeless....they just make me smile and delightfully happy in my heart! ;) I hope they do the same for YOU!
I tend to forget just how much I love this music........are you connecting to your movin' and groovin' zen center and self, yet? Come on, join in....what a lovely night for a dance (or two or three)!
There are of course more amazing songs from this soundtrack-but perhaps I'll leave those for another day!
Hope you're shakin' it like a Polaroid picture....Oh how I miss those...I can't be the only one!
Goodnight and sweet dreams or Good morning and sweet daydreams ♥
Happy Friday/Saturday depending on where you are and when you're reading this...
anywho, Happy Weekend!
Just a quick little hello message prior to me saying goodnight to this beautiful day and gearing up for a new beginning (there's always another one!) ;) tomorrow. I'm thrilled to share this evening that Mother Nature and the Universe presented me with a couple beautiful gifts today! .....What did YOU see today?
A Reminder of Love~Image by JessicaLove♥
Gift number two was a two-part visit from a beautiful Woodpecker! The photos are not great...but I'm glad I managed to get proof of his/her beautiful existence!
*Image by JessicaLove♥
*Image by JessicaLove♥
Here's a little insight about the Woodpecker as an Animal Spirit Totem/Guide can check it out at the link! What an delightful website!
"Teaches us how to connect with the earth and how to ground ourselves in nature, shows us Rhythm, fertility, earth's heartbeat, increase of mental/physical activities, beat of life. Aids in our ability to find deeper meanings and hidden qualities of patterns and coincidences. Are you drumming and creating your own beat? Woodpecker will show you to accomplish this safely by awakening new mental faculties. He teaches to balance the spiritual and mental aspects with the physical world for harmony. Woodpecker shows tenacity, patience and straightforward actions to accomplish this. Listen carefully."
I love how the Woodpecker asks if we are drumming and creating our own beat! ....On that note, I'd also love to share an inspirational drummer/musician with you by the name of Davide Swarup! He is absolutely incredible...please do check out his website at the link above! Here's a little gem from his YouTube channel!
Ok lovelies♥ It's late and I need some rest....I bid you adieu and I'll see you tomorrow!
Listening to my soul and my heart....thump, thump, thump, JessicaLove♥
The sky is crying beautiful, frozen tears tonight...they are lovely and beautiful, and I am deeply moved. I must admit I wasn't so keen on seeing snowflakes this early, however I have decided to embrace it fully and celebrate the first dancing snowflakes of the season! I am LOVING the snow...and apparently from this photo~it's LOVING me right back! *(Love that the bright colors of fall shimmer through here...and when that heart-shaped snow-love-comet showed up, it blew my mind!)
Snow-Love-Comet~image by JessicaLove♥
I had a lot fun playing with light & appears from Mother Nature!
Snow in Shooting-Star Mode~image by JessicaLove♥
And the magic of the night streaks across the sky....
Light Streaked Snowflakes~image by JessicaLove♥
Cosmic Snow Light-Show~image by JessicaLove♥
It's almost time for the goodbye and goodnight music, but I wanted to share a couple more fun images with you lovely folks!
Orbs & Love Comets & Snowy Energy..Oh My!~image by JessicaLove♥
Love~Light Show~image by JessicaLove♥
And a little mood-music as we usher in the winter-ish season ☺
Dancing in snowy delight and wonderment~from my heart to yours, all the love in the world, JessicaLove♥
☼Good evening lovely light-beams!☼ ♥ I hope you've all had a most tremendous day/night! May the vibrations of light continue to shine within your hearts and may it all culminate in your highest good as we journey through the rest of the week!
Sunlight Daisies ~Image by JessicaLove♥
Here in Colorado, USA we are embracing the last warm sunny days of autumn as we are just on the cusp of a dramatic turn by beautiful Mother Nature as she ushers Old Man Winter in the door within the next few hours! The leaves are turning, changing, falling~the acorns are being gathered by little creatures stocking up for their winter treats.
Acorn Topper like the Sun~Image by JessicaLove♥
We turn inward and reflect upon where we've been, where we're headed and where we are right at this glorious moment in time. Time slows and seems to stand still in silent moments. To many, it may look like a time of sloth, a time of slumber, a time of sleep and hibernation, yet it is so much more. It is such a time of growth, a perfect time to say goodbye to what is not serving us and saying hello to new opportunities, new paths, new ways of thinking. It is instead and indeed a time of rebirth and renewal as we head into a new season, a chance to start again, when it seems so many other things are stuck in stagnation. We have the choice to begin again...and again! I am on just such a journey of new beginnings and I am so grateful to dive right into that colorful pile of leaves....or perhaps that bright, beautiful white snowfall! ;)
Spinning, twirling in the glow of new beginnings right along with you, JessicaLove♥
Lightening up the mood this evening and gearing up for a Super-Cool/Feel-Good/Light-filled week....may it bring us all oodles of wonderful new beginnings and amazing energy!
We ARE the Light~Image by JessicaLove♥
We ARE the Light~the Light shines within and through us and IS us!
~as I gather strength, courage & inspiration tonight from the musical genius that is Josh Groban~
So many times I don't even recognize the face staring back at me...where did that fun, youthful, bright spirit go? *(I know she's still in there....) but it seems
She's been replaced for so many years by someone I don't know...someone in pain, someone who had to listen to doctors that couldn't give any answers to why her body betrayed her, and someone who has had to continue making new start after new start, only to have steady ground ripped out beneath her again. None of it made nor makes any sense, but somehow I feel it has all happened for a reason, a reason that is still is my healing. Like a Phoenix rising out of the ashes, I am here for a reason and a purpose, and ~I am inching closer to it every day.~
Perhaps this is all bringing me back to myself. Through all the confusion and battles within my body, mind heart and spirit....
I started listening to myself
I say~
Self, I know you're still here
I KNOW you can shine, and share and love and grow and BE
that person that lives within you.
And she says to me, thank you, but I'm frightened that I've lost too much time. *(She doesn't really hear me just yet.) She worries...I can't make that difference I want to make...You see, I want(ed) to
change the world.
And then, she rises again, she sees herself clearly in the mirror for but a brief moment in time.
And it changes everything.
Understanding, illumination and inspiration
flashes in small bursts
knowing that ~The I that I AM~ is still inside
that the the beginning is near....
right on the brink of brilliance and beauty
and knowledge and understanding
yet still surrounded by shadows and darkness feeling my
light dimmed, but knowing that the fire and passion is still
Heart and soul ignites....she sings and dances and LOVES. (She's still here and still me.)
Tonight, know that YOU are still YOU...and I'll remind ME that I'm still ME!
With a bright shining light somewhere inside, I see YOU too! xo JessicaLove♥
♥BEing~BElieving~BEing~BEtter *(Together) on this GloBE♥
We are all in this Together~Let us join hearts and hands and bring the light out from the darkness and shine within the LOVE that we all bring to this world! ♥ We CAN heal and live in JOY!
Helloo lovelies, it's a bit of a (very) late post tonight and it's nothing like I expected or what I wished I was posting for you right now! Remember that Friends episode where Ross goes to Barbados and the speech was deleted and lost forever...and he had to spend hours recreating it!? Yeah, that's where I am right now...I was super-excited for you to see it and then, I hit one tiny wrong little button just as I was getting ready to finalize the post..and zap, poof---it's gone. :(
There shall be no re-creating of it until tomorrow I suppose as it's super-late and I need to get some sleep and be up heart is making a sad-face, but I know I have to let it go.
In THIS moment, I am learning how to breath and BE.
With love from my heart to yours tonight, JessicaLove
...getting there! ;o) Here's a little pumped-up inspirational energy in the form of "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor! Yay! *Have you noticed that I LOVE the 80's...I'm on a little kick lately! I'm hoping you're having as much fun with this as I am!
Every time I hear this song, I picture Rocky running up those stairs and celebrating when he reaches the top! That's where I'm headed....and you are too! No matter how many times we've fallen, been knocked down, and been kicked while we're down (by ourselves or situations in our lives)~~we have the opportunity to get back UP! And's the real deal ;) I just couldn't resist playing this one too!
Lovelies, the energy is within YOU! Don't ever forget that!
Fist pump! ~With love and in hope always, JessicaLove♥
Clippity clopp...clippity clopp*(horse hoof noises, in case you're wondering!) ;-) ~~~I AM jumping back on the horse and in the saddle again! Mainstream employment is just around the corner for me again, hoping for word back soon....I've had the generous opportunity to give my healing body a little time to rest and it's time to get to it again! My dreams of being a photographer/artist/artographer are not being put on hold, they are just getting a little adjustment as I get back to the workforce! I appreciate any positive/healing energy you can send in my direction and thank you from my heart! Just a little inspiration from the late Gene Autry....*(audio begins about 12 seconds in) :)
In hope and with love, JessicaLove♥
....soaking in the warmth, the depth, the crispness of the beautiful autumn colors here in Colorado! Of course, nothing compares to the brilliance of the colors that paint the canvas of the Midwestern Wisconsin autumns of my youth. They will forever be etched within my heart and memory!
Love within the Colors *Image by JessicaLove
The changing of seasons always signifies to me another beautiful beginning and a period of growth and expansion in our lives and in our hearts. We are in the midst of great, beautiful and amazing change right at this moment...I for one want to be an agent of change for the positive and a force of good in our world! The time is NOW...and it's never been more clear what we are here's LOVE. So shine YOUR incredible light, lovelies! Shine ON! Ps...did you see the hearts in my photo today? See, love really IS all around! We must open our eyes and SEE!
Standing up within this beautiful MOVEMENT of LOVE! xo JessicaLove♥